The main purpose of the Geotechnical Research Centre (GRC) is to conduct geotechnical and related interdisciplinary research with emphasis on interfacing with industry. Western has a strong geotechnical program at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Learn more.
Click here for a video on The Importance of Geotechnical Engineering
DYNA6.1 Software
- Calculates dynamic stiffness and damping constants
- Evaluates foundation reponse to dynamic loads
- Foundation: shallow footing, caisson or pile group
- Soil profile: homogeneous or layered
- Dynamic load: harmonic, transient, pulse or random
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GRC Awards

- William E. and Ruth Lardner Graduate Award
- Y.F. Eric and Ruby S. Chung Graduate Scholarship Award
- Milos Novak Memorial Award
- John Booker Award
- R.M. Quigley Award
- L.G. Soderman Award
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- 2.2m drum centrifuge facility
- Conduct world leading geotechnical research
- Validation of theories and calibraton of analytical and numerical techniques
- Modelling of prototype (full scale) geotechnical structures or processes
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- Kareem Embaby - recipient of a TAC Foundation Scholarship
- Osama Drbe - DFI Winner of 2021 Student Paper Competition
- Dr. M.H. El Naggar elected as new Fellow into the CAE
- Dr. Bing Li joins the GRC
- Ali Fallah Yeznabad Winner of the 2021 Graduate Students Presentation Competition
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 3010C
1151 Richmond Street North
London, ON&; N6A 5B9
Fax: 519-661-3942